This was a good book you could let your young teens read it. I am on the waiting list for the next one at the library.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Beautiful Darkness - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This was a good book you could let your young teens read it. I am on the waiting list for the next one at the library.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Apothecary's Daughter - Julie Klassen

Even though I don't really read a whole lot of books from this genre I did enjoy this one, this is also the first book I have read by this author. This is another book on my nook and I would be definately be willing to read another book by this author.
Hollowmen - Amanda Hocking

Ok so I just realized to day that I have read three books since I have posted any. So here goes.....
This was the second book in the hollows series, book number one was Hollowland. This is a zombie series and in this book the main character Remy finds herself suddenly free after six months in quarantine. She escapes with a few others and they start making their way to Canada and hopefully away from the zombies.
I really enjoyed this book in fact I think I liked it better then the first although I really liked the first as well. She is easily a favorite author for me. I bought these on my nook and love them.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Heart Shaped Box - Joe Hill
This was an original idea for a story I thought. I haven't heard of another story like it, think I will have to check out ebay and see if people actaully try and sell ghosts. I couldn't put this book down I loved it I will be checking out more books by this author for sure. This book is definately for adults though.
The Ghosts of Varner Creek - Michael Weems
I loved this book. This is by the same author who wrote Crossing Borders that I read a few weeks ago. These are available at smashwords I got mine from Barnes and Noble on my nook for FREE! Yep you can't beat that a free book and it was so good I would have paid for it even better.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sarah's Key - Tatiana De Rosnay
The characters are fictional but it is based upon events that took place during the occupation in France during the summer of 1942.
The night of the great Velodrome d'Hiver roundup (July 16, 1942 in Paris) Sarah locks her younger brother in their favorite hiding place promising she will be back in a little while to get him out. In 2002 an American journalist trying to write a story on the events of the roundup, stumbles upon Sarah's story. As she searches for information on Sarah she stumbles upon her own family secret.
I loved this book.
The Unwanteds - Lisa McMann
This was a great book.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Blackbird House - Alice Hoffman
Crave - Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz

Young adult fiction a very quick read there is a sequel out that I am definately going to want to read now since I enjoyed this book.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Forever Neverland by Heather Killough-Walden
This was a quick read, very good, I enjoyed it very much. I bought it on my Nook. There is a sequel coming out, but not until December of 2012 which was the only dissapointing thing about the book. But I can't wait to read it.
Child of the Jungle by Sabine Kuegler
The story of Sabine Kuegler who at the age of five went with her family to live with the Fayu in Indonesia. They were a recently discovered stone age people who were bordering on extinction because of tribal wars. Sabine along with her parents (linguistic-missionaries), an older sister and younger brother are cut off from civilization and must learn to live with the Fayu. Later as a teenager she joins western civilization and must learn to find that balance between who she feels she should be because of the her heritage and who she is because of her upbringing.
The following is my favorite quote from the book and I hope I can remember it.
"It is a real advantage to have grown up in the Fayu culture. They occasionally still ask my father, "How is Sabine? Is her heart happy?" They don't ask how big my house is or how many wild boars I own. Their concern for me has nothing to do with my social standing. As long as I manage to keep in mind the lessons of the jungle, life goes well. I learned there that one should enjoy the simple things in life. That life is not defined by the things you own but rather by the way you spend your time. I learned from the Fayu that happiness comes from contentment rather thand acquisition. And for these lessons, I am grateful."
I absolutely loved this book I laughed, cried was shocked and even disgusted at times I can't recommend it enough. A must read.
Star Jumper Cardboard Genius (book 1) by Frank Asch
Self-proclaimed genius inventor Alex is convinced that his little brother Jonathan is evil. The kid never shuts up. He's a klutz, and he drools on his pillow when he sleeps. Jonathan's specialty, though, is sticking to Alex like glue -- and sticking his nose into his big brother's business. That's why Alex has to leave Earth and fly so far away that no one will ever be able to find him. Using cardboard, duct tape, old odds and ends and his amazing scientific imagination, Alex builds Star Jumper, a spaceship that will deliver him from his rotten little brother forever! It's a plan only a cardboard genius could ever hope to pull off. But Jonathan has other ideas -- and a secret that ultimately brings forth Alex's most brilliant creation ever!
I read this book outloud with my boys. Zach wasn't to interested but did listen and actually took it and finished it after we had finished reading the one night. I read for 20 minutes and it took 3 days so it was a very quick read. But we enjoyed it and I was very surprised. I picked it up from the library strictly for Jacob who ist struggling with wanting to read (he finds it boring can you imagine that) I didn't think it would be something I would really like. It was actually really cute and pretty good. There are two more books in the series and they are on the list for us at the library we are looking forward to reading them as well.
Now You See Me by S. J. Bolton
One night after interviewing a reluctant witness at a London apartment complex, Lacey Flint, a young detective constable, stumbles onto a woman brutally stabbed just moments before in the building’s darkened parking lot. Within twenty-four hours a reporter receives an anonymous letter that points out alarming similarities between the murder and Jack the Ripper’s first murder—a letter that calls out Lacey by name. If it’s real, and they have a killer bent on re-creating London’s bloody past, history shows they have just five days until the next attempt.
No one believes the connections are anything more than a sadistic killer’s game, not even Lacey, whom the killer seems to be taunting specifically. However, as they investigate the details of the case start reminding her more and more of a part of her past she’d rather keep hidden. And the only way to do that is to catch the killer herself.
Fast paced and completely riveting, S. J. Bolton’s Now You See Me is a modern gothic novel that is nothing less than a masterpiece of suspense fiction.
This is easily on of my favorite authors. I have loved everything that I've read by her so far and after each I have proclaimed this is my favorite so far. This book didn't dissapoint. I absolutely loved it.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Border Crossings by Michael Weems

I loved this book. Don't read it if you are on your way to sunny Cancun soon but otherwise it is a great read. Definately going to check out more by this author.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
The Surrogate by Tania Carver

This was a great book had me on the edge of my seat and I had a hard time putting it down.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Descentant: Chronicles of the Ipswich Witch by Miranda Bachman

This was a good book, quick read. Vampires have a different history in this book then I have ever read before, but I found it to be interesting.
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Girl Who Disappeared Twice by Andrea Kane

I really liked this book and it looks like there are others on the horizon for the Forensic Instincts team. I loved almost all of the characters and found the story to be interesting and liked the way the author writes. Although I have never read anything by this author before I see myself reading more of her books and will definately read any others in this series.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake - Aimee Bender

Rose Edelstein at the age of nine realizes that she can taste the emotions of the people that prepared her food. All of their emotions the good, the bad and the ugly and there are very few that seem to make for very good flavoring in food. Emotions harbor secrets and most of them she doesn't want to know. As she grows she learns to come to terms with not only her own secret ability but the secrets of those around her, learning that the things we keep hidden can be what shapes us the most. The end of the book kind of took a twist that I wasn't expecting but I won't put any spoilers in.
This was a pretty quick easy read took a couple of hours total. If I hadn't been reading this for a book club I don't think that I would have finished it. The twist at the end did redeem it a little and make it a little more interesting, but it also ended rather abrubtly. I felt like it left to many unanswered questions about certain characters. I wish that she would have spent a little less time talking about all of the foods Rose ate and a little more time developing other characters and storylines that were mentioned but left you wanting more. I don't know that I would read another book by this same author, I would have to take a look at some of her other stuff before I could say no all together. It was an intersting concept for a book.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Deliverance From Evil by Frances Hill
This was a fascinating book, I felt that since the hero of the book is a man it created a different feel from other books on the same subject.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Oblivion (Witches of Santa Anna #13)

Today I read Oblivion by Lauren Barnholdt and Aaron Gorvine part of the Witches of Santa Anna series. These are novellas and this book marks the end of season two. Natalia and Cam two high school students have found each other are in love and trying to stay together. They are caught in the middle of some sort of struggle between two opposing sides. One being good one being evil although we still don't know which is which. One side wants them together and one wants them apart. Stay tuned to find out who is good and who gets what they want. I guess?
This is an interesting story line although I don't know how into the whole novella thing I am. I will continue reading to find out what happens. There is some language.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Snow Angels

While I did enjoy this book it may not be for all readers. There were some very graphic descriptions of a corpse some even shocked me. There is also some language. I would recommend this book but that would be my only warning for those of you who stay away from that.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs is the book that I have just finished reading. This is the story of Jacob a teenager who isn't exactly happy with his life and doesn't feel like he fits in. He is close to his grandfather who has always been a bit odd making up weird stories about children in some strange old photos that he has. He receives a cryptic message from his grandfather right before his death and decides to go back to the home he was raised in to get answers to who his grandfather really was.
This was a quick enjoyable read, the strange old photos throughout the whole book were also very interesting. I found myself looking forward to them as much as the story. There was also an obscure reference about one of my husbands favorite tv shows (Father Ted) which you don't hear mentioned everyday.
While looking online for a picture I saw a post saying that there is a sequel coming out to this book sometime in 2013 and the movie rights had also been sold.
I would recommend this book I enjoyed it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Other suggestions.
This post will be a list of books that I have read and really enjoyed some more then others but at least enough that if asked for suggestions I would recommend them. I have tried to categorize them but probably could have done a better job. And once again they aren't in any particular order.
Kids or jr. fiction
Crowfield curse - Pat Walsh
Stolen - Vivian Vande Velde
Crossroads and The hanging hill (series) - Chris Grabenstein
Maniac Mcgee - Jerry Spinelli
Peter and the starcatchers series - Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
Youth Fiction
Red Riding Hood - Sarah Blakeley-Cartwright
Lost - Jacqueline Davies
Green Angel and Green Witch (series) - Alice Hoffman
Monstrumologist (series) - Richard Yancey
I am David - Anne Holm
Rotters - Daniel Kraus
Virtue - Amanda Hocking
Hollowland (series) - Amanda Hocking
Switched (series) - Amanda Hocking
Mistress of the art of death (series) - Ariana Franklin
Bonemans daughter - Ted Dekker
Awakening - SJ Bolton
Blood Harvest - SJ Bolton
The Preacher - Camilla Lackberg
Dead Path - Stephen M Irwin
Historical Fiction
The countess and the King - Susan Hollaway Scott
(the countess of Dorchester and King James II)
Agnes Prine series - Nancy E Turner
(These is my words, Sarah's quilt, Garden star)
The Devils queen - Jeanne Kalogridis
(Catherine de Medici)
Hugh and Bess - Susan Higgonbotham
(story of Hugh le Despenser and Bess de Montacute)
Mistress of Nothing - Kate Pullinger
(story of Sally Naldrett, ladies maid to victorian author Lucie Duff Gordon)
Raven's Bride - Lenore Hart
(Virginia Clemm cousin and wife of Edgar Allen Poe)
Half broke horses - Jeanette Walls
The Bells - Richard Harvell
Follow the River - James Alexander Thom
Alice I have been - Melanie Benjamin
The diary of Mattie Spencer - Sandra Dallas
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Help - Kathryn Stockett
The true story of Hansel and Gretel - Louise Murphy
The zookeepers wife - Diane Ackerman
The hiding place - Corrie Ten Boom
Night - Elie Wiesel
Other fiction
Anthem - Ayn Rand
The road - Cormac McCarthy
The travelers gift - Andy Andrews
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
A discovery of witches - Deborah Harkness
Wolves among us - Ginger Garrett
The reapers are the angels - Alden Bell
The physick book of Deliverance Dane - Katherine Howe
Blood and ice - Roert Masello
Girl of the Limberlost - Gene Stratton Porter
Warm bodies - Isaac Marion
Forgotten garden - Kate Morton
That turned out to be a little lengthier then I thought. I am hoping in the next couple of days to get both of the kids to come up with a list of their favorite books for me to post.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
All time favorite books
Since I haven't finished reading anything lately (I usually read more then one book at a time), I thought I would post a list of my all time favorite books. They aren't in any particular order except for number 1.
Fablehaven series - Brandon Mull
All of his books I read out loud with my boys and we like all of them but this series is our favorite.
Secret life of bees - Sue Monk Kidd
I don't usually like movies when I have read the book first but loved both the book and movie.
Circle of Friends - Maeve Binchy
This is another that I loved the movie as well.
Cane River - Lalita Tademy
Four generations of very strong women born into slavery along the cane river. Based on women from the authors own family as they go from slavery to freedom. This is such a good book.
Year of wonders - Geraldine Brooks
Story of a 17th century plague in a Derbyshire Village and what they decide to do as a village to keep it from spreading.
My absolute most favorite book of all time (most of you already know this).
Gone with the Wind - Margaret Mitchell
I read this book at least once every year and watch the movie more then that love them both but especially the book.
Monday, September 19, 2011

I just finished reading the book Switched by Amanda Hocking (first book in the Trylle trilogy). This is the story of a 17 year old misfit girl who finds out why she just doesn't feel like she fits in. I have read books on vampires, zombies, werewolves fairies etc. but this was a new creature for me.
I enjoyed the book enough to read the other two in the series. Earlier this summer I read Hollowland and Virtue by the same author and really enjoyed both of those. This is an author I will definately be reading more of.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
People are always asking me what I am reading, what I have read or what I am planning to read. There are days when asked what I have read I draw a complete blank. I have some book blogs that I follow and love, so I thought how about my own. Now keep in mind I am barely functional at blogging. I can upload pictures and most days type but that is about it. I also won't be having any cool books to give away. Sad I know. But now when people say what have you been reading instead of looking at them with that glazed over look in my eyes and drooling all over myself (I'm not usually that bad, but there are days) while I desperatly rack my brain to think of something I have read, I can say look here. Wow that was a really long run on sentence even for me hey maybe with a little luck my writing will improve. Don't hold your breath though.
One other thing I read a little of everything. With any luck there should be something on here for everyone or at least all three of you that might occasionally look at this:) Just finished a book tonight so I will have a post on here in the next couple of days.
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