The story of Sabine Kuegler who at the age of five went with her family to live with the Fayu in Indonesia. They were a recently discovered stone age people who were bordering on extinction because of tribal wars. Sabine along with her parents (linguistic-missionaries), an older sister and younger brother are cut off from civilization and must learn to live with the Fayu. Later as a teenager she joins western civilization and must learn to find that balance between who she feels she should be because of the her heritage and who she is because of her upbringing.
The following is my favorite quote from the book and I hope I can remember it.
"It is a real advantage to have grown up in the Fayu culture. They occasionally still ask my father, "How is Sabine? Is her heart happy?" They don't ask how big my house is or how many wild boars I own. Their concern for me has nothing to do with my social standing. As long as I manage to keep in mind the lessons of the jungle, life goes well. I learned there that one should enjoy the simple things in life. That life is not defined by the things you own but rather by the way you spend your time. I learned from the Fayu that happiness comes from contentment rather thand acquisition. And for these lessons, I am grateful."
I absolutely loved this book I laughed, cried was shocked and even disgusted at times I can't recommend it enough. A must read.
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