Thursday, December 8, 2011

Beautiful Darkness - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Beautiful Darkness (Beautiful Creatures Series #2)
This is the second book in the Casters series.  Ethan is still in love with Lena but she is distant and is pulling away.  The farther she pulls the harder he tries to get back into her world.  Eventually he finds out that he is more a part of it then he thought and through the help of the living and the dead he must try once again to save her even if it is just from herself.

This was a good book you could let your young teens read it.  I am on the waiting list for the next one at the library.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Apothecary's Daughter - Julie Klassen

The Apothecary's Daughter
Lilly spends most of her young life working in her father's apothecary shop until a relative offers to host her in London.  She goes to London knowing that she will miss her family but hoping to find her mother who abondoned the family years before and make not only a suitable match but fall in love.  But is London society what she really wants or is she really just a country girl at heart? 

Even though I don't really read a whole lot of books from this genre I did enjoy this one, this is also the first book I have read by this author.   This is another book on my nook and I would be definately be willing to read another book by this author.

Hollowmen - Amanda Hocking

Hollowmen (The Hollows, #2)

Ok so I just realized to day that I have read three books since I have posted any.  So here goes.....

This was the second book in the hollows series, book number one was Hollowland.  This is a zombie series and in this book the main character Remy finds herself suddenly free after six months in quarantine.  She escapes with a few others and they start making their way to Canada and hopefully away from the zombies. 

I really enjoyed this book in fact I think I liked it better then the first although I really liked the first as well.  She is easily a favorite author for me.  I bought these on my nook and love them.